If you have been directed here for help in setting up a blog for the Christian Observer, you are in the right place. Please send an email briefly introducing yourself and describe what you’ve been asked to blog about, and we’ll get started.
If you don’t already have an established blog, I’ll help you set one up and get it connected to the Christian Observer’s Internet resources. If you already have a blog, please send the URL specifications and we’ll be that much closer to making it a part of the Christian Observer.
If you’ve otherwise landed here, please take a look at my blog entries and drop me an email if you have a comment or question.
aka Bob Williams - Managing Editor - Christian Observer and Presbyterians Week, Probationer and Licensed to Preach - Hanover Presbytery - a D.V., TULIP Growing, Reformed Presbyterian, WCF, Calvinist, Five Solas, totally depraved sinner saved totally by the grace of the Sovereign LORD.